Gourmet Giftware and Wedding Favors – Click here to apply for a Wholesale Account

Preferred Retailer Program

Become an Artisano Designs Preferred Retailer!

Grow Your Servingware, Gifts and Favor Business!

What you'll receive as one of our retailers:

  1. A listing and link on our Where To Buy page.
  2. The opportunity for Artisano Designs product pages to link to the same product page on your site
  3. The ability to market yourself as a leading retailer carrying Artisano Designs favor and servingware line
  4. Approved usage of the proprietary Artisano Designs preferred retailer seal/logo and images

 Artisano Designs receives hundreds of visits per day from Canadian, U.S., and international consumers - brides, party planners and foodies - looking to buy our unique keepsake favors and servingware.

As a wholesale distributor we DO NOT sell directly to consumers. The retailers featured on our site are connected with highly targeted, high converting visitors with no marketing expense! 

To Qualify Simply...

  1. Create a dedicated Artisano Deigns website category featuring all our available items.
  2. Ensure there is a branded Artisano Designs home page link to the Artisano Designs category.
  3. Include Artisano Designs product images on your home page (>2)
  4. Have established an average monthly spend history (contact us for details)

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal 0.00

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